Conventional wisdom is that anyone who has filed for bankruptcy will not be able to qualify for a car loan. While it may be true that you may be precluded from the best auto financing for new cars, there are still good options for getting approved car loans with bankruptcy on your credit record. We have the resources to find you the right lender willing to overlook your bankruptcy and help you rebuild your credit.
Many lenders and dealers won’t even attempt to find financing for someone with who has filed for bankruptcy. We understand that sometimes people find themselves in circumstances that create bad credit, whether due to poor decisions or economic difficulties. No matter what the reason, using us as your online lending source gives you access to a wide network of lenders who will work hard to get you approved for a car loan with bankruptcy filings.
Easy to Qualify
Qualifying for one of our many financing programs is easy. All you need are the following:
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must live in Canada
- You must have a weekly pretax income of at least $450
- You must currently have a job
- You must have a valid driver’s licence
Although some of our loan programs require down payments, many do not. Our finance team will work with you to understand the down payment you are able to make so they can find the loan that fits your situation.
We Do The Work For You
With a bankruptcy on your record, you may think the only way to get approved for an auto loan is to drive around to every dealer in your area until you find one that is willing to work with you. Our online application removes all that hard work. In just a few short minutes, you can know how much of a loan you are approved for, all without ever leaving your home. Once you are approved, we’ll send you a list of our network dealers in your area. You choose the dealer you want to work with, and they will be able to help you choose the right car and finalize your loan.
Getting approved for a car loan after you’ve filed for bankruptcy may seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. Use us as your online resource to find a lender who understands your situation and is willing to work with you to rebuild your credit while you drive a newer, more reliable car.