For most vehicles, when you go in to purchase it there is going to be some sort of a down payment. The down payment typically is listed when buying the car. This is the minimum you need to pay in order to drive the vehicle off of the lot. While some dealerships like ours are not going to require anything down, or have low down payment car loans, this is going to affect the amount you have to pay back throughout the course of the vehicle loan. Due to this, you need to consider exactly what you are paying for the down payment and what you are able to afford. This is going to make it easier to pay the car off in the shortest period of time with the lowest amount of money going towards interest.
For starters, you are going to find that the more money you put down the better. Because of this, you need to try and attempt to put down as much money as you can possibly afford. This is going to drop the interest rate alone, which should allow you to save money throughout the time you are paying the vehicle back. On top of this, it is going to make your monthly car payments less, which should allow you to afford the car loan easier and pay it off faster.
When looking at the amount of money you are able to pay for the down payment, you are going to find there are different lengths for which you can pay off the car. These typically to in 12 month cycles. So a three year term is going to be 36 months while a five year term is going to be 60 months. You’ll find the payment for the longer terms is less per month, but the interest rate is higher for these particular months. Because of this, you need to try to opt into the lowest amount possible. You are going to find it easier to fall into the shorter time period when you pay more money down. There is no rule as to how much money you can pay on the down payment as long as you reach at least the minimum. However, some locations which don’t require you to put much down at all is actually going to make more money off of you in terms of the interest. That is why you always need to pay as much as possible. When you want to get the best financing in Ontario apply with!