Getting a yearly free credit report is as simple as filling out a form on the internet. While there are other ways to obtain your credit report, ultimately the easiest way will be going to the reporting bureau’s website or to Annual Credit Report’s government website. You will not wish to go to Free Credit Report or other similar agencies because they will charge you money for a subscription service later on. Everyone gets three credit reports throughout the year, so it can be important to stagger them so that you can get a credit report later on in the year if you need it.
How Do I Get My Yearly Free Credit Report?
The process of actually acquiring a credit report is not complex; reading it usually is. Getting a credit report is as simple as requesting it online. With a little information and a few clicks, you will usually obtain your credit report within a few minutes which makes knowing what range of auto credit you will qualify for. You will know that it is completely free because the website will never ask you for payment information. If it does, you have likely clicked the wrong thing or ended up in the wrong website, and you will want to go back to where you originally started from. Your credit report will not come with a credit score, but there are credit calculators that can help you estimate it.
What Should I Do With My Yearly Free Credit Report?
Always save a copy of your credit report both to your hard drive and as a physical copy. This will be useful if you end up with mistakes on your report or if you simply want to reference the report later.
Identify any errors on your report as soon as possible; these errors may be the difference between loan approval and loan rejection.
Look through your report for any problem areas, such as accounts that appear to be late very often. Once you have identified these problem areas, you can hopefully work on correcting them to get the best car loan, such as by initiating an automatic payment for an account that always seems to be late.