Credit cards can be helpful to a person in the overall aspect of financing. For instance, obtaining a credit card and using it properly can help one to obtain auto financing. However, those who have bad credit may find it difficult to obtain an approval. The following contains instructions on how one can apply for a credit card with bad credit.
Obtain a Credit Score
To determine if a consumer is eligible for a credit card, he or she must first obtain a credit score or credit report. The outline of one’s credit history and numerical rating will let the person know where he or she stands in the credit world. Knowing the score can also prevent the person from applying for credit cards that are not within the lender’s requirements.
To obtain a free credit score or report, one can apply with the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus will issue one credit report per year to a person who has received a previous rejection. Unemployed consumers may also apply for this score. Once the person is able to see his or her profile, the individual can make a wiser decision applying for credit cards.
The Secured Card
The secured credit card can provide an easy entry into the realm of credit for a consumer. This type of card allows the applicant to place a security deposit on the card. The credit card company will usually assign the person a credit line that is equal to the amount of the deposit. The company keeps the deposit until it feels secure with the debtor’s payments. After time, the credit card company will release the funds and allow the person access to unsecured credit.
The Bad Credit Card
Another option for consumers is applying for credit cards that are strictly for people with bad credit much like how you would apply for a car loan specific for people with bad credit. Credit cards for people with bad credit work the same way as regular credit cards. The difference with these cards is the finance charge. Some bad credit cards have finance charges in the area of 30 percent, while some others have more affordable offerings.
While the bad credit card is expensive option, it still provides the consumer with a viable entry into the credit world. To apply for any credit card, the consumer will visit the credit card company’s website. The site will have a page on which the person may complete an application. Generally, most credit card companies can provide an instant decision.