Many consumers may not be aware that they can get credit scores for free as well as credit reports. Credit scores are not provided the same way that free credit reports are, but sometimes it is very necessary to get a free credit score. Consumers that are interested in making a large purchase such as an Ontario car loan purchase may wish to get their credit score in advance so they are aware of the types of financing that is available to them. They may also want to know their credit score so they can fix it if necessary.
How to Find Out Your Credit Score for Free
Choose which credit reporting bureau you want to get your credit score for. There are three major credit reporting bureaus and many lenders only use a single one. This means that a consumer may wish to check with their lender on which credit reporting bureau they use before requesting a credit score.
Sign up for a credit score service that offers the first month free. You may also sometimes receive promotional free credit scores with other types of product, but the easiest way to get a credit score free is to get a credit score for free the first month.
Receive your free credit score. You should always remember that credit scores may vary based on the credit bureau. Credit scores that are above 700 are usually considered good while credit scores that are lower than 650 are usually considered bad. If your credit score is presently below average you may want to strongly consider adjusting it.
Call customer service and cancel your credit score subscription. You can also keep your credit score subscription if you want to continue monitoring your credit score as is necessary. Credit score subscriptions are often very affordable and they can be very useful while repairing your credit.
Why Get Your Credit Score Now
Getting a credit score is very important for those who want to make a large purchase such as an automobile you do not have to know what type of credit you have though to get pre approved online. Many things today operate on credit, and it’s absolutely vital to be able to work on and improve your credit to make your loan even better.