Fixing a credit score to get one a
How To Fix A Credit Score In 12 Months
The best way to fix your credit score over a period of one year is to learn how to pay your current bills on time. If you have debts that are 30 or more days past due, leave those alone right now if you can’t pay them. Your credit score will increase faster if you focus on your current debt because it shows lenders that you are able to pay your debts right now. They aren’t worried about past due payments from years ago if you have shown an ability to pay on time over the past 12 months.
How To Fix A Credit Score In Less Than 12 Months
If you want to fix your credit score in less than a year, you have to take many sweeping actions. Some ideas that you could use include:
- Reducing Your Debt By Selling Assets
- Increasing Your Income By Renting Assets Or Finding Another Job
- Increasing The Limit On All Existing Credit Cards
The trick to increasing your credit score quickly before you head down to the local used car lot is to take actions to make you look better on paper. By increasing your income, you lower your debt-to-income ratio for the time being. When you increase your credit limits, you are decreasing the percentage of credit that you are using.
Fixing your credit situation can seem overwhelming at first. However, all you have to do is reduce your debt, pay your current bills on time and work on increasing your income in any way possible. Focusing on these factors will allow you to improve your credit by 100 points or more in no more than a year.