If you have been wondering how to get a high credit score, you might know what it feels like to get turned down for a car loan or to have a difficult time getting a credit card due to your poor credit score. Although it can take quite a bit of hard work, a bit of money and a little bit of time, however, it is possible to learn how to get a higher credit score.
Take Care of Current Accounts
If you already have some accounts in your name, you should take care of them first if you want to work on your credit score.
Bring any past due accounts current as quickly as possible, and make sure that you pay any late fees.
Always make sure to pay your bills on time.
Check your credit report to make sure that you don’t have any negative listings from any of your current creditors that might be mistakes. If there are errors, file a complaint immediately in order to try to get the negative entry removed.
Try sending letters to all of your previous creditors to find out if they will take any of their negative listings off of your credit report if you agree to pay all or some of what you know. When negotiating these agreements, however, make sure that you never admit that you owe the debt, never do so over the phone and that you always get everything in writing.
Start Establishing Positive History
Working hard to establish positive, current accounts can help you improve your credit score dramatically. Start by opening up a credit card and using it responsibly; if you can’t get approved for a card, you can try applying for a secured card or even getting a bad credit credit card. Although some of these cards don’t offer the lowest rates, being responsible with them can pay off by improving your credit score.
Getting a vehicle from a used car lot in your name is also a good way to improve your credit score while still giving you a nice vehicle to drive, and other loans can also help as well as long as you pay like you are supposed to.