Knowing your credit score and credit history is vital to survive in today’s competitive world. Without access to this information, you can be at a severe disadvantage in applying to take out loans on a car or lines of credit. You can easily get your credit report at no cost if you know where to look. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends that you submit a request for a copy of your annual credit report at It is recommended that you check your credit report at least once a year. If you are trying to repair your credit, then it may be wiser for you to check your credit report on a more frequent basis.
Get Your Report Online
Those who are busy may find it easiest to get a copy of a credit report on the Internet. Getting a copy of a credit report online can give one an instant overview of his or her credit score. You will also be able to instantly interpret the other information that can be found on your credit report. You may also be able to request a copy of your annual credit report by submitting a written request through mail as well.
Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Even if you have already claimed your free copy of a credit report, you may still be entitled to receive another copy at no cost. The Fair Credit Reporting Act puts forth other situations in which a person is entitled to request a free copy of a credit report. If a person is unemployed, then he or she may be able to qualify for a free copy of a credit report. Those who receive government welfare assistance or have had an insurance application denied due to one’s credit may also be entitled to receive a free copy. If one is the victim of identity theft or fraud, then he or she may also be able to receive a free copy of a credit report.
With this information, you will be able to get a free copy of your annual credit report at no cost. You should take full advantage of this opportunity before applying online to get an auto loan and improve your credit for the future in general.