Knowing the information on your credit report is really important. You can see where some of your problem areas lie, and you can work on fixing them before taking out a home or auto loan. How can you request a free copy of your credit report?
Annual Credit Report
The place you absolutely want to visit is This site is a reputable one that is suggested by the government, and it is one that quite a number of loyal followers use to find out what their credit reports have to say. One major stipulation allows however. You are able to request this report on an annual basis only. Therefore, you cannot get it for free more than once every 12 months, so make sure you meet this guideline before you request it.
Fill Out The Forms
When you visit this website, you will be asked to select your state. After that, a series of questions will pop up to confirm your identity and to make sure you are requesting the credit report of you and you alone. Once you have filled out of all this information, you will then get to look at your credit report without any charge.
Other Options
Some people get very nervous about submitting all of their personal information through the Internet. Of course, this site does have a secure server, so you do not need to be worried about it just as if you were to apply for a car loan through us. However, if you are, you can also request your credit report through the mail. Generally, when you make the decision to get your report in this manner, it will take approximately 15 days for it to be sent to you. With the online report, you are able to see all of the information in just a couple of seconds, so weigh out the pros and cons of both options.
As you can see, it is very easy to request your free credit report on an annual basis. To do so, you must:
- Vist to make sure you are not scammed.
- Decide if you want to request your report online or through the mail.
- Fill out all of the necessary paperwork.
- Wait for about 15 days if you have requested your scores through the mail.
Now that you have your scores, you have power and knowledge and a better idea of how much automobile financing you can afford.