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Auto Financing

The Dangers of Upside Down Car Loans

When consumers take out loans to purchase a new or used car, they are more than likely going to take out a loan to get it. There are many different kinds of loans including no down payment, guaranteed approval loans and even low interest loans. All of these loans have their uses and the ways that they are not ideal. The most nonconstructive part of any auto loan is when the car is considered upside down. Upside down does not mean that the car is rolled over on its roof, it simply means that the consumer owes substantially more than what the car books out for. Some of the dangers of upside down car loans include:

  • Limited Equity
  • Inability to Trade
  • Lack of Insurance

The dangers of upside down car loans come with just about every vehicle that is financed, it is just one of those things that typically happens to everybody. There are a few ways that consumers can avoid the dangers or simply get the most out of what they have.

Causes of Upside Down Loans

The main cause for auto loans to become upside down is simple depreciation; a healthy down payment can help make for the best car loans around. For example, if a 2007 Ford Fusion was booked at $15,000 in 2011 and the owner borrowed that much against it that is the principal amount of the loan. Now let’s say the owner has put a few miles on it but has still managed to keep it in good condition for 2 years. So in 2013 the owner attempts to trade in this $15,000 vehicle that they have paid on only to find out the payoff is $13,000 but the book value is only $7500; this owner is extremely upside down. This is a scenario that is all too familiar for many people. A car is worth more the day they buy it than what it will be worth in just a year or two. There is really no way around it, only ways to make the most out of what you have.

How to Get the Most out of the Upside Down Loan

If you are upside down in your auto loan, there are things you can do to ensure that your vehicle will maintain its value because eventually you will not owe more than what it is worth. You need to first make sure that you have GAP insurance which will cover the difference of what you owe and what it is worth should you be involved in an auto accident. This coverage will pay off the lender. Then you should also make sure that all of your maintenance is done on time and that your vehicle is simply kept clean. Take care of these issues and at some point in your loan, you will be even which will be the prime time to trade it in on something a little newer and a little better.

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